On Sunday, January 24/February 6, 2022 the Cathedral Parish of Saint Mark of Ephesus celebrated its 50 year anniversary. The parish was established in the year 1971, 51 years ago, but due to factors out of our control, we had to wait a year for the celebration.
The festivities began Saturday evening with the Vespers service presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius. On Sunday, the Matins service and the Hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated. In his sermon on the Gospel reading for Zacchaeus Sunday, His Eminence explained that those who are away from God are spiritually low (close to the earth), but those who seek Christ, like Zacchaeus, are lifted up.
After the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, the parish continued the festivities. At the dinner, His Eminence spoke about his own experiences and personal relationships with the parishioners of St. Mark, who hold a special place in his heart. His Eminence was consecrated to the Episcopacy at the Cathedral of St Mark in 2006.
Fr Christos Constantinou, who was the Parish Priest from 1977 until 2014, spoke about the history of the Parish. Protodeacon Demetrius Houlares, who has been serving St. Mark since 1990, spoke about the many ministries and accomplishments of the Parish. Fr George Kamberidis, the current Parish priest, spoke about the parish’s confession of the Orthodox faith, and stressed to the younger generations that it was their responsibility to make sure that they remained steadfast in the faith, and with our Lord’s help continue to support the parish which they have inherited, for another 50 years.
On behalf of the Parish of St. Mark, His Eminence acknowledged and thanked the clergy for their services to the Parish. Fr George also thanked Patricia Vlachos for her 39 years of service to the Parish’s bookstore. Parish Council President Paul Fitopoulos then thanked Fathers Christos and George for their dedication, service, and love for Christ’s Church and the Parish of St. Mark. On behalf of the entire parish, His Eminence presented gifts to those who were acknowledged. Before His Eminence closed the festivities with prayer, the choir of St. Mark chanted a few hymns for the parishioners.
St. Mark, the defender of Orthodoxy, has guided and protected the parish for over 51 years. We are grateful to our Lord and Savior for the Church, and for the community, brotherhood and fellowship we have shared over the years. May we honor our patron saint by remaining steadfast in the Orthodox Faith, and may we continue to serve our Lord and worship Him fully and truthfully.